Our Impact

We believe that just because healthcare is innovative does not mean that it should be a luxury. Our team specializes in treating the whole person in harmony by connecting the brain, composing the mind, and synchronizing the body through providing therapy, resources, and community access.


Did you know?

Parents spend roughly $8,700 annually on therapies for their special needs child,

so Perfect Harmony Health provides families in need with year-round scholarships!

With the help of our community, we can accomplish even more!

Consider donating today!

Treat the Whole Person in Harmony

because Perfect Harmony Health C.A.R.E.S.

Connect the brain by rewiring neural connections.

When it comes to neurologic injuries and diseases, the types and variations are as diverse as the people experiencing them. Historically, the focus is on expectation. At Perfect Harmony Health, we focus on building neurologic foundations for future success!

Compose the mind by building emotional structure.

Your state of mind is the baseline for cognition. Imagine doing a math problem while you’re feeling scared. Everything builds on this emotional baseline, like social skills and physical skills. At the peak of the pyramid is executive function. You have to be in a good headspace before you can think clearly. We use music to process and regulate emotion. It starts in individual sessions, and it culminates in group programs where you get to relate to others. This kind of work is powerful in a group setting because music speaks where words fail.

Synchronize the body by cueing rhythmic movement.

Our self-worth is often tied to our ability to do complete everyday tasks independently, and often people assume your physical limitations mean you have low intelligence. What if you have to raise your hand to show you understand, but you can’t get your body there in time? Or you can’t get your mouth to work with your brain to form the right words? Motor challenges like these often start in the brain. Rhythmic entrainment is foundational for learning functional motor patterns.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(678) 965-0993