Our Core Values

Perfect Harmony Health C.A.R.E.S.

Our number one focus is passionately pursuing the most current research and innovations in diagnoses and in neurologic music therapy®. Our creative and innovative approach to therapy drives us to be continual students of our field and fierce in developing accessible, therapeutic, and fun programs for our community.

Creative Intent

We believe accessibility matters. Our purpose is to provide a new mode of access to the brain and body with music. We want clients to achieve transfer of skills to maximize access to life and provide continuity from their inside world to their outside world. We aim to make access to innovative care affordable and ensure we have created a safe place that provides access to opportunities for growth, exploration, and community.



Our practice is committed to presuming competence in all of our clients and treating them with dignity and respect. Our policy is to maintain open minds throughout the therapeutic process. We meet our clients where they are and support them with the tools that they want and need. PHH strives for diversity and inclusion amongst our board, team, clients, and community. We are a place of love, belonging, and acceptance.

True hope is not easily won but offered freely at Perfect Harmony Health. Our goal is to make genuine and authentic relationships with our families and clients so that they know they matter here and can be the truest version of themself. By doing so, the team at PHH provides a unique and tailored experience to meet and understand every individual.


Service is the cornerstone of what we do. We seek to create and support a family-centered community by being advocates in all ways and by having resources that support the individual, family unit, and their neighbors. We provide clear and informative feedback from all Perfect Harmony experiences, and, ultimately, uphold the principles of integrity, honesty, and reliability.
